On November 11st China celebrates Singles’ Day (called Guanggun Jie in Chinese), a very popular event among the young people, who celebrate the pride of being single. The choice of the date is not random: November 11st numerically translates into 11/11, a quadruple repetition of number 1, which symbolizes the single individual in Chinese tradition.

Singles’ Day was born in 1993, upon the initiative of a group of university students, who wanted to create an opposite holiday to Valentine’s Day, the feast of lovers. The initiative immediately took hold, and today every Chinese city organizes parties and events during this date.

Besides its purely celebrative side, Singles’ Day has also taken a more commercial connotation. For 11/11 there are always more and more brands and e-commerce platforms that provide discounts and offers that compete with Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotions. If you’re looking for a gift (even if it is for yourself) to buy for Singles’ Day, we invite you discover our product selection. 




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